EMSX History Request

EMSX history service provides individual fill information via request/response service. The service name is //blp/emsx.history for production and //blp/emsx.history.uat for test environment.


This service should not be used as a replacement for route subscription service to capture fills information in real-time. Anyone found to abuse the service by making constant calls to the history service will be shutdown permanently by Bloomberg.

A UUID’s fills are only available if any of the following criteria are met:

  1. The user has at least one Export Fill profile in EMSI<GO>, or
  2. The user belongs to a team that is setup for team fill export, or
  3. The user is an EMSX API user and has EMSX API access turned on in EMSS<GO> setting.

Unlike the EMSX API service //blp/emapisvc and //blp/emapisvc_beta, the history service supports PARTIAL_RESPONSE events. The PARTIAL_RESPONSE event messages will return messages that are a subset of the information.

The EMSX history service goes back up to 30 days in history.


Please note this service will not be available as part of //blp/emapisvc or //blp/emapisvc_beta service.

Unlike the //blp/emapisvc and //blp/emapisvc_beta service, //blp/emsx.history and //blp/emsx.history.uat service uses semi-camel character for the element names.


Please note that the timezone of this service will always be in US EST timezone for the fills regardless of the TZDF setting for the UUID.

Please note that EMSX History should never be used as a replacement for route subscription for real-time fills and updates to routes.

Element Description
Account Trading account used in EMSX<GO>
Amount Total quantity of the order
AssetClass Asset class of the order
BasketId ID of the basket
BasketName Name of the basket
BlockId Block ID
Broker Executing broker name
BrokerExceId Broker Execution ID
BrokerOrderId Broker Order ID
ClearingAccount Clearing account detail
ClearingFirm Clearing firm detail
ContractExpDate Contract expiration date
CorrectedFillId Corrected fill ID
Currency Currency
DateTimeOfFill Date and time of the fill
Exchange Exchange details
ExecPrevSeqNo Previous sequence number of execution
ExecType Execution type details (FILL,CANCEL,CORRECT and DFD)
ExecutingBroker Executing broker details
FillId ID of the fill
FillPrice Price of the fill
FillShares Number of share of the fill
InvestorID Investor ID detail
IsCfd CFD flag
Isin ISIN detail
IsLeg Is leg
LastCapacity Last capacity field in EMSX<GO>
LastMarket Last market detail
LimitPrice Limit price detail
Liquidity Last liquidity indicator 1,2,3,M,T,A [definition].
LocalExchangeSymbol Local exchange symbol
LocateBroker Locate broker detail
LocateId Locate ID
LocateRequired Flag to indicate whether or not short locate is required
MifidAggrFlag Aggregation flag for MiFID II
MifidBuysideLei Legal entity identifier in MiFID II for the buy-side
MifidGpi Global personal identifier in MiFID II
MifidIsSi Flag to indiciate systematic internalizer in MiFID II
MifidSellsideApaMic Sell-side Approved Publication Arrangment (APA) Market Identifier Code (MIC)
MifidSellsideLei Legal entity identifier in MiFID II for the sell-side
MifidSellsideOtcFlag Sell-side OTC flag
MifidSellsideSiMic Sell-side systematic internalizer MIC
MifidSellsideWaiverFlag Sell-side waiver flag for MiFID II
MifidTradeInstr Trade instruction for MiFID II
MultilegId Multileg ID
NyOrderCreateAsOfDateTime NY order create as of datetime
NyTranCreateAsOfDateTime NY transaction create as of datetime
OCCSymbol OCC symbol
OrderExecutionInstruction Order execution instruction detail
OrderHandlingInstruction Order handling instruction detail
OrderId Order ID
OrderInstruction Order instruction detail
OrderOrigin Order origin detail
OrderReferenceId Order reference ID detail
OriginatingTraderUuid UUID of the originating trader
ReroutedBroker Rerouted broker details
RouteCommissionAmount Commission amount of the route
RouteCommissionRate Commission rate of the route
RouteExecutionInstruction Route execution instruction
RouteHandlingInstruction Route handling instruction
RouteId Route ID
RouteNetMoney Route net money
RouteNotes Route instructions
RouteShares Route shares
SecurityName Security name detail
SettlementDate Settlement date detail
Side Side
StopPrice Stop Price
StrategyType Strategy Type
Ticker Ticker
TIF Time in Force
TraderName Name of the trader
TraderUuid Bloomberg UUID of the trader
Type Order type
UserCommissionAmount User commission amount
UserCommissionRate User commission rate
UserFees User fee detail
UserNetMoney User net money detail
YellowKey Bloomberg yellow key field detail

Full code sample:-

EMSX History cpp EMSX History cs EMSX History vba
EMSX History java EMSX History py  


Please right click on the top code sample link to open in a new tab.

Specify service name and host/port :-


Connect and create a session object:-

class SessionEventHandler():

    def processEvent(self, event, session):
            if event.eventType() == blpapi.Event.SESSION_STATUS:

            elif event.eventType() == blpapi.Event.SERVICE_STATUS:

            elif event.eventType() == blpapi.Event.RESPONSE or event.eventType() == blpapi.Event.PARTIAL_RESPONSE:


        except blpapi.Exception as e:
            print "Exception:  %s" % e.description()
        return False

Set elements (e.g. UUID, team name, and Date/Time range):-

service = session.getService(d_service)

request = service.createRequest("GetFills")

request.set("FromDateTime", "2017-02-08T00:00:00.000+00:00")
request.set("ToDateTime", "2017-02-11T23:59:00.000+00:00")

scope = request.getElement("Scope")


#scope.setElement("Team", "TEAM1")



Process response events:-

def processResponseEvent(self, event):
    print "Processing RESPONSE event"

    for msg in event:

        if msg.correlationIds()[0].value() == self.requestID.value():
            print "MESSAGE TYPE: %s" % msg.messageType()

            if msg.messageType() == ERROR_INFO:
                errorCode = msg.getElementAsInteger("ERROR_CODE")
                errorMessage = msg.getElementAsString("ERROR_MESSAGE")
                print "ERROR CODE: %d\tERROR MESSAGE: %s" % (errorCode,errorMessage)
            elif msg.messageType() == GET_FILLS_RESPONSE:


C:\Users\_scripts>py -3 EMSXHistory.py
Bloomberg - EMSX API Example - EMSXHistory
Connecting to localhost:8194
Processing SESSION_STATUS event
SessionConnectionUp = {
        server = "localhost:8194"
        encryptionStatus = "Clear"

Processing SESSION_STATUS event
Session started...
Processing SERVICE_STATUS event
Service opened...
Request: GetFills = {
        FromDateTime = 2019-10-01T00:00:00.000+00:00
        ToDateTime = 2020-01-13T23:59:00.000+00:00
        Scope = {
                Uuids[] = {

Processing RESPONSE event
MESSAGE TYPE: GetFillsResponse
Date: 2019-12-12T11:35:02.674-05:00
Fill ID: 3      OrderId: 4733965        RouteId: 1
Ticker: FB      Asset Class: Equity     Yellow Key: Equity
Shares: 50      Price: 202.240000       Broker: BMTB    CFD: False
Commission: 0   Commission Rate: 0      Fees: 0 Net Money: 10112
Basket ID: 0    Currency: USD   Multileg ID:
Account: testAccount    LocateId:                       LocateBroker: False     OCCSymbol:
Date: 2019-12-12T11:50:02.717-05:00
Fill ID: 4      OrderId: 4733965        RouteId: 1
Ticker: FB      Asset Class: Equity     Yellow Key: Equity
Shares: 50      Price: 202.240000       Broker: BMTB    CFD: False
Commission: 0   Commission Rate: 0      Fees: 0 Net Money: 20224
Basket ID: 0    Currency: USD   Multileg ID:
Account: testAccount    LocateId:                       LocateBroker: False     OCCSymbol:
Date: 2019-12-12T12:05:02.758-05:00
Fill ID: 5      OrderId: 4733965        RouteId: 1
Ticker: FB      Asset Class: Equity     Yellow Key: Equity
Shares: 50      Price: 202.240000       Broker: BMTB    CFD: False
Commission: 0   Commission Rate: 0      Fees: 0 Net Money: 30336
Basket ID: 0    Currency: USD   Multileg ID:
Account: testAccount    LocateId:                       LocateBroker: False     OCCSymbol:
Date: 2019-12-12T12:20:02.799-05:00
Fill ID: 6      OrderId: 4733965        RouteId: 1
Ticker: FB      Asset Class: Equity     Yellow Key: Equity
Shares: 50      Price: 202.240000       Broker: BMTB    CFD: False
Commission: 0   Commission Rate: 0      Fees: 0 Net Money: 40448
Basket ID: 0    Currency: USD   Multileg ID:
Account: testAccount    LocateId:                       LocateBroker: False     OCCSymbol:
Date: 2019-12-12T12:35:02.841-05:00
Fill ID: 7      OrderId: 4733965        RouteId: 1
Ticker: FB      Asset Class: Equity     Yellow Key: Equity
Shares: 50      Price: 202.240000       Broker: BMTB    CFD: False
Commission: 0   Commission Rate: 0      Fees: 0 Net Money: 50560
Basket ID: 0    Currency: USD   Multileg ID:
Account: testAccount    LocateId:                       LocateBroker: False     OCCSymbol:
Date: 2019-12-12T12:50:02.881-05:00
Fill ID: 8      OrderId: 4733965        RouteId: 1
Ticker: FB      Asset Class: Equity     Yellow Key: Equity
Shares: 50      Price: 202.240000       Broker: BMTB    CFD: False
Commission: 0   Commission Rate: 0      Fees: 0 Net Money: 60672
Basket ID: 0    Currency: USD   Multileg ID:
Account: testAccount    LocateId:                       LocateBroker: False     OCCSymbol:
Date: 2019-12-12T13:05:02.923-05:00
Fill ID: 9      OrderId: 4733965        RouteId: 1
Ticker: FB      Asset Class: Equity     Yellow Key: Equity
Shares: 50      Price: 202.240000       Broker: BMTB    CFD: False
Commission: 0   Commission Rate: 0      Fees: 0 Net Money: 70784
Basket ID: 0    Currency: USD   Multileg ID:
Account: testAccount    LocateId:                       LocateBroker: False     OCCSymbol:
Date: 2020-01-13T14:01:23.880-05:00
Fill ID: 11     OrderId: 4747927        RouteId: 2
Ticker: MSFT    Asset Class: Equity     Yellow Key: Equity
Shares: 20      Price: 161.330000       Broker: BB      CFD: False
Commission: 0   Commission Rate: 0      Fees: 0 Net Money: 29039
Basket ID: 0    Currency: USD   Multileg ID:
Account:        LocateId:                       LocateBroker: False     OCCSymbol:
Date: 2020-01-13T14:01:53.882-05:00
Fill ID: 12     OrderId: 4747927        RouteId: 2
Ticker: MSFT    Asset Class: Equity     Yellow Key: Equity
Shares: 20      Price: 161.330000       Broker: BB      CFD: False
Commission: 0   Commission Rate: 0      Fees: 0 Net Money: 32266
Basket ID: 0    Currency: USD   Multileg ID:
Account:        LocateId:                       LocateBroker: False     OCCSymbol:
Processing SESSION_STATUS event
SessionConnectionDown = {
        server = "localhost:8194"

Processing SESSION_STATUS event
SessionTerminated = {
[definition]1=Added, 2=Removed, 3=Routed out, M=Maker, T=Taker, R=Rerouted, A=Auction