Description of Request/Response Service

The request/response service can be used for both buy-side EMSX<GO> workflows or sell-side EMSX to EMSX (E2E) workflows.

The buy-side EMSX request/response supports all the basic buy-side execution management control via request/response service where the sell-side EMSX request/response supports additional sell-side workflow for acknowledging or rejecting an order coming in via E2E workflow.

Buy-Side Request/Response Service

EMSX API supports the following buy-side Request/Response services:- Please note, the descriptions to the legacy request/response services are omitted from the description section.

Request Name Action
AssignTrader Assign an order to another UUID.
CancelRouteEx Cancel outstanding routes (placements).
CreateOrder Create an order or stage an order into EMSX<GO>.
CreateOrderAndRouteEx Create a new order and route in a single request.
CreateOrderAndRouteManually Create the order and notify EMSX this is routed.
DeleteOrder Delete an existing order in EMSX<GO>.
GetAllFieldMetaData Get all field meta data in a response message.
GetBrokerStrategiesWithAssetClass Get all broker strategy information and asset class data.
GetBrokerStrategyInfoWithAssetClass Get all broker strategy info and asset class data.
GetBrokerWithAssetClass Get all broker data with asset class in a response message.
GetFieldMetaData Get field meta data in a reponse message.
GetTeams Get team data in a response message.
GroupRouteEx Submit the entire list as a single route to a basket algorithm.
ModifyOrder Modify parent order.
ModifyRouteEx Modify child route.
RouteEx Route existing order.
RouteManuallyEx Route manually and notify EMSX that it is routed.


CreateOrderAndRouteEx can be used for both strategy and non-strategy broker destinations.

CreateOrderAndRouteManually is generally used for phone orders to brokers, where the actual placement is outside of EMSX<GO>.

RouteEx can be used for both strategy and non-strategy broker destinations.

RouteManuallyEx is generally used for phone orders to manually enter back the execution to EMSX<GO>.

Sell-Side Request/Response Service

EMSX API supports the following sell-side Request/Response services:- Please note, the descriptions to the legacy request/response services are omitted from the description section.

Request Name Action
ManualFill Request to manually fill a child route.
SellSideAck Request to acknowlede an order on EMSX to EMSX setting.
SellSideReject Request to reject an order on EMSX to EMSX setting.


SellSideAck is used for EMSX to EMSX or E2E settings where sell-side EMSX<GO> is used to receive order from buy-side EMSX.

SellSideReject is used for EMSX to EMSX or E2E settings where sell-side EMSX<GO> is used to receive order from buy-side EMSX.

CFD & Odd Lot Flag

This is a feature that indicates CFD orders or to flag an odd lot in EMSX API. EMSX_CFD_FLAG is used to flag a particular order as CFD

  • 0 = not flagged
  • 1 = flagged

EMSX_ODD_LOT_FLAG is an odd lot is a quantity of stock that is less than 100 shares. A deal involving 100 shares or more is considered a round-lot transactions.

  • 0 = not an odd lot / it won’t fill odd lots
  • 1 = odd lot

Date & Time Format

All date format except EMSX_QUEUED_TIME are in yyyymmdd format. All time format except EMSX_STRATEGY_END_TIME, EMSX_STRATEGY_START_TIME, and EMSX_RELEASE_TIME are in number of seconds from midnight.

The Strategy time zone is set using the EMSX<GO> function in the Bloomberg terminal under Routing Defaults section inside the Settings menu. In the Routing Defaults, the user can select Exchange vs. User time zone for strategy time zone. The default is the Exchange time.

Element Description
EMSX_DATE yyyymmdd
EMSX_GTD_DATE yyyymmdd
EMSX_RELEASE_TIME hhmm (For the API, it is defaulted to the exchange time.)
EMSX_LAST_FILL_TIME Number of seconds from midnight
EMSX_ROUTE_CREATE_TIME Number of seconds from midnight
EMSX_ROUTE_LAST_UPDATE_TIME Number of seconds from midnight
EMSX_TIME_STAMP Number of seconds from midnight

The //blp/emsx.history and //blp/emsx.history.uat are set in date time objects unlike the //blp/emapisvc or //blp/emapisvc_beta.

Custom Notes & Free Text Fields

The EMSX API provides several different EMSX options for entering and using free text fields. Some of these free text fields can be used for an internal only workflow where the others can be used to communicate with the various execution counterparts.

The following elements are available on order and/or route subscription services. These elements will be passed to the external trading counterparts.

Element Description
EMSX_ACCOUNT 29-character free text field (29+1 check digit), FIX Tag 1
EMSX_BASKET_NAME 20-character free text field (20+1 check digit)
EMSX_INVESTOR_ID 12-character free text field mostly used to identify Investor ID
EMSX_NOTES 43-character free text field (43+1 check digit), FIX Tag 58
EMSX_ORDER_REF_ID 15-character field (15+1 check digit) order subscription only, not available for AIM users
EMSX_ROUTE_REF_ID 15-character field (15+1 check digit) route subscription only, not available for AIM users
EMSX_TRADER_NOTES 43-character free text field (43+1 check digit), internal & read only from API

The following elements are available only for internal fields unless custom mapped to a custom FIX tag to a particular trading counterparty.


The following EMSX_CUSTOM_NOTE* elements are only available on order subscription service.

Element Description
EMSX_CUSTOM_NOTE1 79-character free text field (79+1 check digit)
EMSX_CUSTOM_NOTE2 79-character free text field (79+1 check digit)
EMSX_CUSTOM_NOTE3 79-character free text field (79+1 check digit)
EMSX_CUSTOM_NOTE4 79-character free text field (79+1 check digit)
EMSX_CUSTOM_NOTE5 79-character free text field (79+1 check digit)